California-based technology giant Apple has unveiled its ‘Apple Watch For Your Kids’ feature to users in India. This innovation allows adults to set up cellular models of the Apple Watch for their children, enabling kids to make calls and send messages without needing their own iPhone(via Gadgets 360). This follows the company’s earlier launch of the capability to configure an Apple Watch independently of an iPhone.
Feature Overview
With this new functionality, children equipped with a cellular Apple Watch can stay in touch with family and friends. The feature integrates communication, health, fitness, and safety tools with appropriate safeguards. For instance, parents can pre-approve contacts accessible on their child’s Apple Watch, ensuring controlled communication.
Safety features are robust, including Emergency SOS for quick access to emergency services, Apple Maps for navigation, and Find People for locating family members or sharing locations.
Fitness and Educational Benefits
The Apple Watch For Your Kids also focuses on fitness, enabling children to monitor their activity through Activity rings and set workout goals. Kids can even send Activity Sharing invitations to friends, fostering a healthy competitive spirit. Parents can oversee all these activities through their iPhone.
A standout feature is the Schooltime mode, easily identifiable by a distinct yellow circle on the watch face. When activated, it silences notifications, restricts app usage, and activates Do Not Disturb, helping children stay focused during school hours. Parents can manually toggle this mode or schedule it via their iPhone.
Requirements and Availability
To utilize this feature, users need an Apple Watch Series 4 or later, or an Apple Watch SE, paired with an iPhone 8 or later running the latest versions of watchOS and iOS. Activating cellular service requires a wireless plan for the Apple Watch.
Additionally, both the parent and child must have Apple IDs with two-factor authentication enabled. Apple reports that the Apple Watch offers up to 14 hours of battery life per charge, depending on the model.
By extending these capabilities, Apple continues to enhance the versatility and family-friendliness of its smartwatch lineup, now reaching a broader audience in India.
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Published: 24 Jul 2024, 05:36 PM IST