If you are in urgent need of money and your credit card’s limit is close to running out, you may consider raising a personal loan instead. Not only does it enable you…
Tag: personal finance
Can a slight increase in interest rates raise your loan EMI considerably?
If you have been scouting for a personal loan and have already received a few offers from different banks, it is recommended that you compare the impact of the difference in interest…
How to maximise rewards from travel credit cards?
Are you a frequent traveller and want to save on budget? Then, travel credit cards are a great choice you can consider. Travel credit cards provide you with special discounts and reward…
Credit Card Price Protection: What is it and how does it work?
In today’s market of online shopping and purchasing, consumers are always ready to find the best deals available at the lowest prices in town. While credit cards have many benefits, however, one…
Credit card and taxes: How do credit card transactions affect your taxes?
Credit cards are a convenient method to track your expenses, but they also complicate tax preparation. Understanding the tax implications of your credit card transactions is critical for avoiding penalties and increasing…
Top 5 credit cards with no foreign transaction fees
Do you enjoy travelling to different countries but are tired of paying heavy exchange rates on foreign currencies? Well, now you do not need to lose your precious money anymore over exchange…
Business credit card: How to use it for small business expenses?
If you have an idea or plan to start your venture, your first thought will be finances. Of the many financing options available, a credit card is a feasible option as many…
Credit Card NFC Technology: What it is and how it works?
With the move towards digitisation of financial transactions, credit cards are evolving every day. One such evolution is a near-field communication credit card that aims to make payments convenient, quick, and secure….
Mobile wallets and credit cards: How do they work together?
In changing financial scenarios, mobile wallets are a new addition. You can link your credit card to a mobile wallet to avoid carrying a physical card every time you make a purchase….
How is capital gains tax charged on the sale of financial assets? An explainer
If you are an active investor and often earn gains on the sale of your securities, bonds or mutual funds, you should be mindful of the tax rate that applies on these…